The head family of the Kampo school of calligraphy


The head of the family of the Kampo school of calligraphy is a successor to Master Kampo Harada (1912-1995) who wished to train teachers to pass his calligraphy on to younger generations. He also wished for advance of Japanese culture through exchange with other culture of the world.

Profile of Master Kampo Harada

Kampo Harada devoted his life to
the diffusion of correct and beautiful handwriting styles and was respected as the Father of calligraphy by his pupils, the total number of whom reached ten million.   Beyond being a calligrapher and educator, his activities were extensive. He promoted cultural exchange in many countries and gathered calligraphic and ethnographic materials, which we can see today in Kampo Collection.

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Kampo' s Lesson
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Patient perseverance will in the end bring progress.

