List of   textbooks on penmanship and calligraphy

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Sosho  (Cursive Script)

sousho.gif (1227 バイト) Sosho
Cursive script of the Han and the Six dynasties (200 B. C.- 590 A. D.). Developed as an abbreviated form of the Clerical script. In Sosho the natural flow of the hand reaches its maximum.

Code No.  BK-6255 6255.gif (3856 バイト) 500Yen
Code No.  BK-5880 5880.gif (3331 バイト) 800Yen
Code No.  BK-6062 6062.gif (1928 バイト) 1,470Yen
Code No.  BK-6138 6138.gif (2318 バイト) 1,300Yen
Code No.  BK-5954 5954.gif (4227 バイト) 500Yen
Code No.  BK-6104 6104.gif (3790 バイト) 900Yen
Code No.  BK-6122 6122.gif (3420 バイト) 1,155Yen
Code No.  BK-5832 5832.gif (3697 バイト) 800Yen
Code No.  BK-6461 6461.gif (3253 バイト) 1,400Yen

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