お知らせ / UPDATES

観峰書道研究所は、観峰流書道宗家二代目宗家原田詳経により、平成26年3月21日に設立され、三代目宗家の襲名も行われました。允許式に幼少時から参加していた詳経宗家の長男、芳孝が観峰宗師の20 代の頃の雅号観岱をいただき、三代目観峰流書道宗家原田観岱となりました。まだ若年ながら、4月6日に急逝した父の遺志を継ぐために努力を重ねておりますので、どうぞよろしくお願いいたします。


The Kampo Calligraphy Institute was founded on March 21, 2014, by Shokei Harada,the second-generation master of the Kampo School of calligraphy. Establishment of the Institute was accompanied by the naming of the third-generation master of the Kampo style. Master Shokei’ s son, Yoshitaka, was raised from early childhood to participate in the ceremony of the presentation of the certificates for higher level of students( the 6th dan, the 7th dan and the 8th dan), and he was installed as the third-generation master of the style with the name 観岱(Kantai), which was used by Master Kampo in his twenties. To carrying on the wish of his father Shokei who passed away on the 6th of April, Kantai is throwing himself in to carrying on the tradition and looks forward to support and assistance from everyone.

研究所の最初の出版物は、観峰流書伝八道のDVD です。これは、詳経宗家が25年にわたり父観峰の揮毫を撮影するとともに研究してきた膨大な資料をわかりやすく編纂したものです。観岱の仕事は、父詳経から引き継いだ雅号・堂号の発行、また全図書を管理、出版すること、DVD の制作などです。様々な環境の変化などがありましたが、この観峰書道研究所は、宗師直系の子孫が軸となり,皆様とともに,観峰流書道を未来へ継いで行きたいと思います。

The Institute’ s first publication is the DVD entitled The Eight Methods of Kampo School of Calligraphy. This DVD arranges in an easy-to-follow fashion the vast amount of material amassed by Shokei during 25 years of photographing his father Kampo creating calligraphy and studying those works. Kantai will carry on the work inherited from his father Shokei, including awarding calligraphy names and honorary names, management of the collection of materials, and publication of printed and recorded materials. Despite all the changes, the Kampo Calligraphy Institute is still being directed primarily by Master Kampo’ s direct descendants, and we hope that you will join us in passing the Kampo School of calligraphy on to future generations.

1.小学生時代の芳孝/現在同志社大学在学中Yoshitaka, in Notre Dame Elementary School and now in Doshisha University.
2.平成26 年3月12 日観峰宗師の作品収蔵庫建設の地鎮祭。葛西經子平安文化センター代表取締役(前列左)原田芳孝(原田詳経名代̶前列右)March 12, 2014: Purification of the site for storing Master Kampo’ s works. Front left: Keiko Kasai, Representative Director of the Heian Bunka Center. Front right: Yoshitaka Harada, successor to Shokei Harada.
*平安文化センターはこれからは観峰宗師の作品収蔵保管研究のみの目的のため、平成26 年10 月6日詳経宗家の誕生日に平安文庫と社名変更致しました。*Since in future the Heian Bunka Center will be dedicated to preserving and researching the calligraphy of Master Kampo, its name was changed to Heian Bunko (The Kampo Collection) on October 6, 2014, to mark Shokei Harada’ s birthday.
3. 書伝八道 DVD The Eight Methods of Kampo School of Calligraphy
4. 雅号堂号 Calligraphy names and honorary names  
5. 図書 Publication

ギャラリー/カルチャーセンターオープニングパーティは、11月12日(土)15時~20時 書道とアートクラスのワークショップを(15:30から16:30まで)おこないます。 フラワーアレンジメントは作品の展示となります。15:00 と17:00にピアノとバイオリンの演奏があります。

Opening Party of the Rokujian Gallery and the Kampo Cultural Center November 12, 2011(Saturday) from 15:00 to 20:00 Short music performances at15:00 and 17:00. Calligraphy workshop and Art class workshop will be held from 15:30 ~ 16:30